Hector_mapping cannot laser scan into base_frame
Hi guys. Thanks for your attention in advance. I am using hector_mapping with Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 and ROS INDIGO. The problem has appeared in other occasions, but following indications of other...
View Articlerobot_localization publishing to tf incorrectly
I have left the robot_localization odom_frame parameter with value "odom" and base_link_frame to "base_link" defaults. The tf tree, while running robot_localization and the robot driver ca_driver with...
View ArticleError related with TF tree
I'm trying to localize a Pioneer P3dx with AMCL. Whenever i run rosrun amcl amcl the node says that no data is being published in /scan. I've searched for it and people usually say that there need to...
View ArticleHow to verify odom --> base_link is accurate or not?
I'm using AMCL and when I specify a goal to navigation, the pose of my robot drift.While AMCL need `odom --> base_link` tf and laserscan data,so how can I verify `odom --> base_link` is accurate...
View ArticleDo the /odom topic and odom->base_link tf provide duplicate information?
I'm making a differential-drive rover with wheel encoders and planar LIDAR, but at the moment no other sensors. I understand why it's useful to have [separate `map` and `odom`...
View ArticleHow does navigation get base_link information from stage
Hey can anyone tell me how does navigation(move_base) get base_link information when i simulate mobile robot in stage. When I move the robot position manually in stage window, the position of base_link...
View ArticleWhats the difference between base_frame and base_link?
So I am trying to map a model(urdf) to my hector slam project which seems to have base_frame. I don't have any base_link? rosrun tf tf_echo /map /base_link CFailure at 1485981006.541937303 Exception...
View ArticleHow to change the position of "base_link" frame?
For navigation, the base_link should be placed at the rotational center of the robot. My robot is a rectangular shaped robot, whose rotation center is at the front. How do I change the location of...
View ArticleTurtlebot Create2 base_link location
According to REP 105, `base_link` should be in the center of rotation of the base, in this case a iRobot Create 2. What I can't figure out is where it is vertically. Is `base_link` at floor level or...
View ArticleHow to drive robot in opposite direction
Hi all, I have a robotic research platform with caster wheels on the front and drive wheels at the back. At the moment it's driving with caster wheels at the front but I feel the dynamics could be...
View Articleimu frame_id doesn't match base_link
The frame_id of imu data in my bagfile is imu_link, not base_link. After rosrun the node, I didn't get odometry/filtered data flow. I assume there's problem with frame_id mismatching .So I add into...
View ArticleCould not obtain transform from /gps to base_link
After rosrun ekf_localization_node and navsat_transform_node, I got warning like this: [ WARN] [1494926574.013925839]: Could not obtain transform from /gps to base_link. Error was Invalid argument...
View ArticleWhen using navsat_transform_node, isn't it a problem to use IMU yaw to...
Hello, In [this video from Tom Moore](https://www.osrfoundation.org/tom-moore-working-with-the-robot-localization-package/) at time 12:36, I can see that he sets IMU yaw to true. The consequence of...
View Articlenot getting map in gmapping transform from odom to base_link problem
i m using gmapping and i m not able to transform from `odom` to `base_link`. i have the odometry on `wheel_odometry` topic which has header frame id as `odom` and child frame id as `base_link` further...
View ArticleHow does robot_localization finds tf between odom and base_link?
Hello Is there any documnetation that describes how the relation between odom frame and based_link frame is calculated? It seems that some sort of self-calibration is happening there
View Articlemap does not show up on RVIZ while using hector_slam
Hello everyone, i am using RPLIDAR A1 and hector_slam but so for there is no luck, RVIZ will start with nothing and no map in it. Here is the details: from this topic...
View ArticleFixing TF between base_link and odom
Hey , i am in the process of porting my robot from simulation to real world . 1. Finished URDF (robot_description) , which publishes the *tf* 2. Finished with the most essential stack such as robot_nav...
View ArticleWhat is odom_frame ever used for?
I understand that odom_frame is only locally accurate, and that the transformation map -> odom -> base_link is what provides accurate pose information if it is ever needed. However, map ->...
View Articlebase_link vs base_footprint
I have read that the navigation stacking within ROS requires the use of base_footprint. What is the difference between base_link and base_footprint? How do I know which I should use?
View ArticleImu data for robot_localization is reported in base_link, not in ENU
Hi there, I'm currently working on my first project with ROS trying to implement a SLAM algorithm. Right now I'm stuck with fusing data to robot_localization.My IMU data is published in the base_link...
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