I have left the robot_localization odom_frame parameter with value "odom" and base_link_frame to "base_link" defaults. The tf tree, while running robot_localization and the robot driver ca_driver with publish_tf set to "false". Looks like this (apparently I can't upload a file with less than 5 points):
odom floating.
base_footprint ---> base_link (broadcaster /ekf_localization)
base_link --> right_wheel link (broadcaster /robot_state_publisher)
base_link --> left_wheel link (broadcaster /robot_state_publisher) ....
why is ekf_localization broadcasting base_footprint --> base_link ? and leaving odom floating? (not connected to anything)
I can't even find base_footprint anywhere in the robot_localization parameter list. It is part of the robot description.
Any help clarifying this would be appreciated.