I want to **calculate robot's current position** with respect to the **map**. Autonomous navigation of ROS works **fine**. Initially, I thought that by listening to **/amcl_pose topic**, we can get the current position. But when I do, **"rostopic echo /amcl_pose"**, then there is no such messages.
I am using **Pioneer 3 AT**, and want to calculate the robot's (center of gravity) position with respect to a known map. (**don't want** to consider **four corners of the robot**).
Following is my **"rosrun tf view_frames"**
In the [answer](http://answers.ros.org/question/130541/tracking-robot-position-during-teleoperation/), I get that AMCL usually **publishes the position of the robot as a TF transform from the /map frame to the /base_link frame?**
But, How to achieve this **can you help me with some simple code snippet?**
Thanks in advance.........