I am having trouble using Gmapping on Stage along with a very basic controller publishing on *cmd_vel* and reading from *base_scan*. Here is my launch file:
However, this doesn't work; I receive the error "transform from base_link to odom failed", then slam starts relying on the odometer so the map is all messed up. I don't understand why this is happening. Stage seems to be publishing the right tf's; the tree is as follows: map -> odom -> base_footprint -> base_link -> base_laser_link. Here is the tf tree created by view_frame:
![image description](/upfiles/13778752333043734.png)
Oh, and I just noticed this on Rviz:
![image description](/upfiles/1377875876976647.png)
However, I just reset everything and the transforms on Rviz are fine now, but I still get the error and mapping problem.
Is there a fix for this transform problem? Could it be a synchronization issue even if I set use_sim_time to true? I've been struggling with this all day, and I don't understand what the problem could be...