Hi all,
I have a mobile robot with IMU, wheel encoders and hokuyo laser. I am following [this](http://answers.ros.org/question/11682/robot_pose_ekf-with-an-external-sensor/) to set up the transformations and all the frames. I am using robot_pose_ekf to fuse data from IMU and wheel encoders and get the `odom_combined -> base_footprint` transformation. As suggested in the above link, in wheel_odometry, `odom_combined` is the header frame id and `base_footprint` is the child_frame_id and I have a fixed transformation from `base_footprint->base_link` . Now my question is what should be the robot_base_frame parameter in `global_costmap_params.yaml` and `local_costmap_params.yaml` in move_base? Should it be base_link(this is the default) or base_footprint and why?
Also, what should be the `base_frame_id` parameter in AMCL, base_link or base_footprint?
Thanks in advance.
Naman Kumar