I have a world in gazebo(fuerte) with turtlebot in it and I have the map of the world too. After launching the world, when I try to launch the launch file described below, I get this warning:
`[ WARN] [1366190909.527997203, 40.084000000]: Waiting on transform from /base_link to /map to become available before running costmap, tf error:`
Launch File:
I made the map of the environment with a turtlebot when I was using electric and I never used to get this warning in electric. After running this launch, when I do `rosrun tf view_frames`, `/map` frame does not show up in the list of frames at all. I referred to the following questions, but I am not able to get the catch.
What is the problem here ? Is there file I have to edit before running the launch or am I missing a step ?

This is my TF tree (Pls save the image and zoom in for a clearer picture).
@Procópio Silveira Stein, I cannot visualise any data on rviz and I am unable to choose the initial pose in rviz. /map frame does not seem to exist at all.
I will try few more tricks and update shortly.